Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should be sleeping. Instead i'm blogging... Shout out #3

This one goes out to my sister and best friend... Lindsey.

Lindsey (Linds, Linzers, Freak frank)- I could not have asked for a better sister. She is an amazing person and I hope that I am just like her one day. I have looked up to her since before I can remember. We are 2 very different people. She was focused on school, while I was a little more focused on boys. I will always remember the little things we did together... playing barbies, sleeping in the same bed (even though I had my own room), having her do my hair/makeup... and getting mad if it wasn't just like hers, visiting her every summer at college, and me secretly disliking Connor because he was taking my sleeping partner away. I love my sis... and it's no fun having her live across the country but I look forward to our daily phone calls to catch up and talk about my boy issues and the latest fashion and trends. She is a huge blessing in my life and I can't wait to have her in Colorado with me this summer! Thanks for always being there for me Linds... Your the best and I love you. (stop crying)

Connor- Thanks for taking care of my sister. I'm so glad she found a guy like you. I really look up you and how well you treat her. Your a great addition to the Frakes Fam. Stoked to have you guys in Colorado this summer! 

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks kim! and just so you know i didn't even cry, maybe just teared up just a little bit. we are so excited to have you in colorado too! you should probably just decide that you should come out in may when we get there.

    and by the way while i was looking at all of your pictures, graham had to point out kim in all of them.
