Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This week during one of my daily facebook creeps... I stumbled on a status that said "what if you woke up today and all you had left were the things you thanked God for yesterday." Such a good thing to keep in mind everyday. I know that I don't thank God enough for all the great things/people I have in my everyday life. We really do begin to take certain things for granted and just always expect them to be there, so be mindful everyday of all that you have and all that you have been given... especially around this holiday season. 

Things I am thankful for...
*Amazing family*Gospel*Atonement*Great Friends*Temples*Housing*A warm bed*Food*Clothes*My Puppy*Cell Phone (don't Judge)*Chocolate*Love*Happiness*Moab*strawberries* *Car*Computer*Fall,Summer,Winter,Spring*Baths... Seriously the list is endless... So before you go to bed make sure you are thankful for all the things you are blessed with everyday.

                   Much Love <3 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why buy a camera???

I recently became a member of the iPhone cult. I always knew that it was an "amazing" phone but I didn't realize how amazing it really was until I finally purchased one. I keep everything on it... from pictures to music to e-mail. Literally I have no use for my ipod or camera anymore... which is nice to know all you need is your handy phone and you're good to go for the night. 

No filter necessary

It's funny how much you can take a place for granted until you see this...

The other day Meags and I were doing a little girls date. We went out to eat at P.F. Changs then decided we wanted to head up by Sundance to drive the Alpine Loop. By the time we finished with dinner it was too dark so we saved it for the next day and brought Ben Halverson with us... It took over an hour to drive but was worth every minute. During the drive Ben said "alright guys I don't mean to get all spiritual but how awesome is Heavenly Father for creating this?!" Seriously it was awesome to hear him say that and really think about how amazing all of God's creations are. What a great day with great people! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

One big happy family...

Words cannot describe how much I miss my family when I am away at school... but it helps when you are blessed with amazing friends who eventually turn into your family. I feel so blessed right now that I would feel guilty not to write about how thankful I am for all of them and how great it is to have them in my life. I am seriously obsessed with all of them... and it is the best feeling to know when you come home from work or when you go out of town for a few days that as soon as you walk through that door you get the best greeting you could ask for. We also came up with a little tradition to have family dinners every sunday...(even the boys step up and cook). It's amazing... they are amazing and I love them all! 

Meags- Long lost sister and my best friend. Happy. Fun Loving. Amazing heart
Whitney-Gorgeous, Flawless, Spiritual and will be the best missionary come December 14th. 
Emily-Great style. Fun. Unique
Ben-Great friend. Great heart. 
Matt and Scott- Punks. Love "finance." Wouldn't be the same without our 2 for 1
Austin- Rockstar. Adorable. Entertaining.
Richard-Life of the party
Stephen-Nicest person I know
Jason- Eye candy. Caring. Fun


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Throughout high school I would say I can't wait til i'm in college and no longer under my parents radar. Being the youngest in the family isn't easy... especially when you're the only one at home and your parents have nothing better to do than to keep very close tabs on you (I understand why they did this now). I spent most of my high school days trying to avoid my parents and wish everyday that I could take that back. A little over 2 years ago I made the big move to Utah for college and to well... Grow up. It wasn't long after moving out that I realized how much I missed waking up to a warm breakfast with loving parents there to ask me if I got my homework done or have my mom tell me my outfit was too immodest and to go upstairs and change.  Don't get me wrong... I LOVE the college life and can't get enough but this last week I have been thinking and reflecting on how much I really love and care for my family. I honestly have the best parents anyone could ask for. They spoil me TOO much with their love and money. I have the best siblings and love how different and unique they all are. I'm also lucky enough to have great IN LAWS. I think of them as my own family now and hope they all know I love and care for them greatly! I have also been blessed enough to be an aunt of 4 beautiful nieces and 2 studly nephews... with another one on the way. There is nothing I love more right now than being an aunt and getting to watch them all grow and learn every time I see them. I have such an amazing family and just really feel blessed and want them to all know how much I love them. I took family for granted when I had them so close, so words of advice... enjoy your family while you can!!
My mom is currently on her way to Utah to just come hang out with me for the week... well because she's awesome and is going to help me get my life organized and she knew i'd be getting homesick soon. (sucha mommas girl). 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Can't get enough...

As you all may already know I recently started working at a little store called cupcake chic. I love it so far-minus one thing... for advertising purposes they decided to open a little kiosk in the mall, so since I have nothing better to do for the next 5 hours I figured I should take some time to update my blog. 

Have you all seen Crazy, Stupid Love?? If not grab a date and get to the theaters...NOW. I'm simply obsessed. Steve Carell, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling... Great combination of funny, sexy, cute and quite the twist in the end. Remember Ryan Gosling as the cute, poor boy in the Notebook??... Well goodbye cute boy hello sexy, gorgeous man. He is reason enough to go to the movie. You can thank me later. If you don't have time to make it to the movies....(cause some of you have real lives with kids and stuff) well REDBOX it as soon as it's released but in the mean time enjoy my tribute to Mr. Gosling. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

To dye or not to dye...

Lately I have been feeling like I need just a little change in my life. Summer is coming to an end and fall is just around the corner. My hair is extremely blond right now, and I have been debating whether I want to be a little dare devil and dye it a little darker. I am so picky about my hair so you guys might think I am being a little dramatic but it's a big step for me and i'm not sure if i'm prepared to take it or not. I'm thinking I still want it blond but maybe with a slight melt... here are some pics of what i'm thinking. Thoughts? HELP ME!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Shout Out...

Meagan!!! Ahh meags. My roomie, best friend and sister. She left me for the summer but recently came back to visit. It was so great getting to be with her for the day. We went to some of our favorite places to eat... J dawgs, cupcake chic and Zupas and had some much needed catch up time! Meagan is one of THE BEST people that I know. Generous. Fun. Happy. Sincere. A friend that came into my life at the right time and helped me more than she knows! I haven't always been a firm believer in everything happens for a reason until I moved to college and had so many great people put into my life that I know it wasn't just a coincidence. Meagan was definitely one of those people and I am so grateful for her. I can't wait to have her as a room mate again next year and am stoked for the fun times we will have together and with our new roomies. Thanks for everything you do Meags and I love you girl. 

Park City ( Sundance Film Festival)

Love The Foulgers!


Summer Summer Time...

It has been too long since I have blogged!! Not too much has been going on in my life... living the Provo dream. Looking for a job. Hanging out by the pool. Friends. A few trips. Does summer time really have to end??? 

New found interest

Mare Bear

New baby niece... Audrey Elizabeth

Alpine Dance Parties... Ohh how i'll miss the APV

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick Update

As of right now i'm back in Colorado. Working. Playing. Hanging out with the Fam. It's great being home, especially because my sis is here for the summer! I love hanging out with her and my little buddy Graham. This friday I am headed to ND to visit some friends... I can't wait. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Elder C. Scott Grow - The Miracle of the Atonement

I loved this talk. I am so thankful for the atonement 
and the role it plays in my life and in the lives of others. 
I was so thankful for conference this year and for the talks
that were given. It is amazing to me that no matter what 
there is always a talk that you personally need to hear.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Y

There are a few things you have to experience while living in Provo... I feel like I have checked most of them off the list. Yesterday, P-town decided to give us some semi-nice weather so some buddies and I got our hiking gear on and headed up to the infamous Y. Meagan warned me that it was going to be harder than I thought. I figured it was going to be a piece of cake... after all I am an expert hiker from all of our family trips to Moab. After the first switchback I was already out of breath, unreal. We eventually made it to the top and of course had to snap a few photos for facebook and of course my blog. 

Color Me Mine

So this past weekend some friends and I thought it would be a great idea to go to color me mine. For those of you who aren't familiar with this GREAT place... you go and pick out some type of pottery, plates, bowls, etc... then you paint it! I know sounds kinda lame and not that fun right? WRONG! It was so therapeutic and relaxing to just sit and paint for a couple hours, not to mention it was a great girls day out! 

Ray and Whit... Hard at work.

I have been looking for a cute jewelry plate but have had no luck... so I thought i'd try making one on my own.

I was pretty happy with the way it turned out... what do you think???

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should be sleeping. Instead i'm blogging... Shout out #3

This one goes out to my sister and best friend... Lindsey.

Lindsey (Linds, Linzers, Freak frank)- I could not have asked for a better sister. She is an amazing person and I hope that I am just like her one day. I have looked up to her since before I can remember. We are 2 very different people. She was focused on school, while I was a little more focused on boys. I will always remember the little things we did together... playing barbies, sleeping in the same bed (even though I had my own room), having her do my hair/makeup... and getting mad if it wasn't just like hers, visiting her every summer at college, and me secretly disliking Connor because he was taking my sleeping partner away. I love my sis... and it's no fun having her live across the country but I look forward to our daily phone calls to catch up and talk about my boy issues and the latest fashion and trends. She is a huge blessing in my life and I can't wait to have her in Colorado with me this summer! Thanks for always being there for me Linds... Your the best and I love you. (stop crying)

Connor- Thanks for taking care of my sister. I'm so glad she found a guy like you. I really look up you and how well you treat her. Your a great addition to the Frakes Fam. Stoked to have you guys in Colorado this summer! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Remember when...

Is it just me or has Disney been slacking on their latest movies???  Lately I have refused to watch any disney movies, mainly because none of them appealed to me. Even with all the skuttlebutt about how great Tangled was I was still pretty hesitant to watch it. Sunday after conference, Chris finally convinced me to watch it with him. It was GREAT. It reminded me of the old disney movies... which I am a huge fan of. So it got me thinking of my 5 favs....

1. Swan Princess... The all time best disney princess. Not only is Odette the prettiest princess but the soundtrack for the movie was written by mormons. I mean you can't go wrong with songs like "Far longer than forever" or "eternity"... you just can't!
2. Fox and the Hound. Reminds me of my best friend Dougie. 
3. Anastasia... Technically I'm cheating with this one because its not a disney movie 
4. The Lion King
5. It's a tie between Sleeping Beauty and Tangled. (Tangled stole my favorite quote..."BEST DAY EVER!")

Monday, March 28, 2011

Festival of Colors

This weekend was none other than the festival of colors. I have been waiting to go to this legendary event for the last year. I don't know the exact purpose of it but pretty much thousands of people get together and at a certain time everyone starts throwing chalk. It was a good time with good friends. 

Just the beginning...

After the festival we got to go home and get dolled up for my friend Elyse's birthday dinner. After washing my hair 4 times I came to the conclusion that i'm just gonna have to live with the pink streaks in my hair for a few days. It actually looks pretty cool and it's a fun little change.