Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This week during one of my daily facebook creeps... I stumbled on a status that said "what if you woke up today and all you had left were the things you thanked God for yesterday." Such a good thing to keep in mind everyday. I know that I don't thank God enough for all the great things/people I have in my everyday life. We really do begin to take certain things for granted and just always expect them to be there, so be mindful everyday of all that you have and all that you have been given... especially around this holiday season. 

Things I am thankful for...
*Amazing family*Gospel*Atonement*Great Friends*Temples*Housing*A warm bed*Food*Clothes*My Puppy*Cell Phone (don't Judge)*Chocolate*Love*Happiness*Moab*strawberries* *Car*Computer*Fall,Summer,Winter,Spring*Baths... Seriously the list is endless... So before you go to bed make sure you are thankful for all the things you are blessed with everyday.

                   Much Love <3